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A DUI arrest has immediate consequences for a driver, and often for a driver’s family. In the unfortunate event you are arrested on a drunken driving charge, you immediately need the skill of an experienced attorney to reduce the impact of the arrest – now and in the future.

At a minimum, a DUI arrest interrupts your life as you are arrested, booked, and possibly forced to spend time in prison while you await a bond. It can immediately wreck your family life and your mental wellbeing. Further, a DUI conviction can affect your ability to find or keep a job.

Whether your best course is to fight a an unjust charge with all your might and resources, or the DUI arrest just turns out to be a misstep in your life that you need to move past as quickly as possible, your best course of action is to seek the knowledgeable advise of an experienced attorney.

After you’ve been arrested for DUI, it becomes critical that you retain a knowledgeable DUI attorney immediately, while your recollection of the arrest is fresh in your mind and while our team can minimize any damage to your case.

The first step in defending a DUI case is to review the evidence. Your lawyer will request copies of documents and examine the case prosecutors will try to make against you. With an understanding of how the case is likely to proceed in court, an attorney from our firm will discuss with you your options. Together, we’ll set a strategy that best fits your preferences and circumstances.

We will explore every option available and pursue any and every effective scenario to get you and your family through this difficult time in your life while mitigating the damage that the ripple effects of a DUI arrest may cause.

Contact our team today to schedule a free consultation with an experienced and dedicated attorney so that we may plot your course of action together.

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